
CMNS 3600
Course Grade: A+
Assignment Grade: A+

The Process

My partner and I focused on the student housing issues facing TRU students today and TRU’s planned campus neighbourhood students won’t be able to afford.

Over the semester we developed skills in professional documentary production with an emphasis on interviewing and storytelling techniques, research, script writing, and editing.

Our video came together to be twelve minutes long. It features five student and one alumnus interviews, combined with music, b-roll footage, and created title and credit sequences.

The Interviews

The foundational elements of this documentary were student perspective interviews. We structured their interviews to move through personal experiences to letting them read through ‘The Reach’ website, and finally capturing their real-time reactions. This provided us with great narrative support.

Other interviews we recorded that did not make the final cut included three other TRU students, a Kamloops City Councilor, a TRU/City of Kamloops research think tank leader and an economics professor.

It was in the editing room that we understood the importance of ensuring our narrative structure had the necessary interviews and that not everyone would be included.